Tipi di Acque da Trattare

Types of Water to Treat

For civil or industrial scope, for reuse and for potable water

Civil and industrial wastewater have different needs and, consequently, the mode of treatment changes.We can support you with different stand-alone situations integrated into existing plants. The important thing is to start with testing through pilot units.

Civil Wastewater

Wastewater treatment serving the community

Protection of public health and the environment is not the only purpose of civil (or municipal) wastewater treatment: in fact, the issue of reuse of the blue resource is increasingly felt by communities. Large public sewage treatment plants usually consist of primary, secondary and tertiary treatment processes: MITA can support technical offices and contractors in all these stages.

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Acque Reflue Civili EN
Acque Reflue Industriali EN

Industrial Wastewater

Treatment as an opportunity for reuse

Industrial wastewater is extremely heterogeneous in quality and quantity of dissolved effluent. As a result, treatment processes and technologies vary greatly from plant to plant. MITA Water Technologies always suggests conducting tests using pilot units before selecting the best available solution.

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Drinking Water

How we support the process for potabilization

Two solutions are often used for the final treatment of water and its consumption by humans: reverse osmosis membranes and UV disinfection. And these two technologies, in turn, can find an ally in free-fiber cloth filters. The goal: effective removal of suspended solids pre-potable.

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Acque Potabili EN

Our Range of Products

Contattori Biologici Rotanti a Biodischi Biorulli

Biorulli® Biological Oxidation System

for biological wastewater treatment

An efficient, highly flexible, and low-energy solution for secondary treatments, the Biorulli® biological oxidation system, a solution also referred to as "biological disc rotors," has very low operating and maintenance costs.

Biocombi Compact Plant

Biocombi Compact Plants

For wastewater treatment of small communities

Highly efficient biological oxidation and depth filtration: these two steps are integrated in Biocombi, a compact plant for wastewater treatment in small communities, i.e., small towns or hamlets, resorts, hotels. Small footprint, flexibility for sudden changes in hydraulic and/or organic load, minimal energy use.

Filtri a Tela a Fibra Libera

Pile Cloth Filters

for tertiary wastewater treatment

Very high solids removal yields and minimal product life cycle cost: these are the advantages of pile cloth filters for tertiary filtration. These are filtration systems suitable for industrial and civil wastewater and, in some cases, stormwater.

Filtri a Sabbia Continui Filtrasand

Filtrasand Continuous Sand Filters

for tertiary water treatment

Efficiency and continuity of operation: continuous sand filters represent a classic solution that is easy to construct and operate for wastewater finishing. Thanks to a unique patented washing system, the MITA solution allows the filter medium, i.e., sand, to be separated from impurities.

Decantatori a Pacchi Lamellari Flowpack

Flowpack Lamella-Pack Decanters

for sludge settling

A simple and very efficient solution: in lamella-pack decanters, solids-water separation is achieved through a dense network of channels, inclined at 60° to accelerate the settling of suspended solids.

Disoleatori a Pacchi Lamellari Oilpack

Oilpack Lamella-Pack Oil Separators

for process oil removal

Lamella-pack oil separators, often installed already at the primary treatment level, prevent particularly environmentally harmful components such as oils and hydrocarbons from reaching water bodies at the time of spillage. Slats inclined at 45° make the system efficient. Separated substances can also be recovered for better cost-effectiveness of the whole system.

Flottatori ad Aria Disciolta Mitadaf-Mitasat

Dissolved Air Flotation Units

for water clarification

Dissolved air flotation units are devices used in water treatment processes to separate suspended solids and other particles by forming bubbles that attack solid particles to make them less dense and rise to the surface as sludge or foam. They are used in primary civil wastewater treatments and in industries such as paper, food and oil & gas. MITA Water Technologies offers Mitadaf, a highly efficient system that combines uniform hydrodynamics and microbubble filtration.

Supporti per Biofilm

Filling Materials

for biological treatments

Wastewater is mainly contaminated with organic matter, which is decomposed by bacteria. These bacteria consume oxygen, which is essential for aquatic life. Percolating filters, and related biofilm media, provide a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria, thereby reducing oxygen demand and improving water quality.

Wastewater: the different types at a glance

Different needs, different treatments: in the appropriate sections you can find more information about the different solutions used for different types of water. Here you can find a first summary, however.

  • Civil wastewater. They are conveyed to public plants from the wastewater of an entire community: therefore all treatment stages (primary, secondary, tertiary) are carried out sequentially as required by national and transnational laws. From roughing to finishing. The goal is proper re-injection into water bodies and, in some cases, reuse and potabilization.
  • Industrial wastewater. Unlike the civil sector, each plant is its own species: some lines produce water that only needs finishing by filtration, others have significant amounts of suspended solids, BOD and COD in output (and require at least biological treatment). In some cases, stand-alone solutions can be installed; in other situations, several treatments are needed in sequence. For all these reasons, in industrial settings it is even more important to start with water testing using pilot units.
  • Drinking water. The most rigorous treatments must be carried out to produce potable water. Technologies such as reverse osmosis and UV lamps are used to produce this highest quality output. And cloth filters are also often integrated downstream of these systems to “lighten” the incoming load of suspended solids.
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Tools to help you choose


Industrial and civil wastewater treatment technologies

Simplicity, reliability ... and the lowest product life cycle cost: water treatment solutions from MITA Water Technologies.

Our support throughout the product life cycle

We offer a series of additional support services for our customers: the MITA Lifecycle Services.
Idea icon

A sustainable and efficient solution for every industry and need

Wastewater treatment will increasingly be a resource efficiency and optimization opportunity for organizations in both civil and industrial settings.