Revamping and Upgrading
To get the most out of our equipment again
Engineers, contractors, and wastewater treatment consultants know this well: both the operating conditions of plants and the regulations to manage them change over time. And so do flow rates and wastewater treatment needs. MITA Water Technologies offers these professionals assistance and advice in revamping and upgrading their equipment. The purpose is twofold: increased performance, extended product life.
Revamping and upgrades on all MITA water treatment systems
An increase in the scale of a production plant can often bring with it an increase in water flow rates to be handled and also a greater amount of pollutants to be disposed of (suspended solids, oils and fats, phosphorus and nitrogen). Not to mention that European and international environmental regulations also tend to become increasingly stringent to ensure the protection of our ecosystem.
These internal and external transformations in organizations bring with them the need to renew their water treatment systems.
MITA Water Technologies is available to provide assistance and advice for revamping and upgrading its own solutions installed at customers’ premises. This is with the aim of avoiding downtime or malfunctions and ensuring the system’s efficiency, safety and extended life.
Teel us your needs
Components that can be replaced
Here are some parts that can be replaced in MITA technologies, supplied to our customers.
- Cloths, chains, pumps (cloth filters).
- Upgrade of the sofware attached to the equipment, e.g., with more functional logic.
- Where possible, updating the mechanical design concept of the systems.
Benefits for MITA customers
- Prolongation of the life cycle of the system provided.
- Scaling up as flow rate or effluent removal needs increase.
- Guaranteed operational continuity, plant downtime avoided.
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