Sustainability of Water Treatment

Conscious disposal and reuse, with the strength of the Group

Wastewater treatment is an everyday practice of circular economy, benefiting the environment and communities. Over the years, we have selected technologies that are low in energy use and suitable for water reuse in different sectors. In addition, as part of Axius Water, MITA Water Technologies has adopted a Shared Sustainability Overview. The focus: protecting the environment and developing innovative solutions through precise numerical monitoring.

1. Our vision

MITA Water Technologies’ commitment aligns with European Union and United Nations goals on sustainability and circular economy, particularly in the context of wastewater treatment.

  • Reducing environmental impact: our production processes are optimized to minimize energy consumption and the emission of pollutants, contributing to the EU goals of “zero pollution” by 2050.
  • Promotion of the circular economy: this is through solutions that promote the reuse of wastewater, reducing water withdrawals from natural resources and minimizing discharges. This is in line with Regulation (EU) 2020/741 to promote the safe reuse of purified urban wastewater.
  • Development of cutting-edge technologies: we invest in research and development of innovative water treatment solutions that are increasingly efficient and sustainable. In this way we support the goals of the UN 2030 Agenda, in particular Goal 6, to support the availability and sustainable management of water for all.
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Sostenibilità del Trattamento Acque Reflue

2. Sustainable water disposal and reuse

The first goal of any sewage treatment plant, municipal or industrial, is the sustainable and appropriate disposal of treated water. The two focuses: environmental protection and human safety. In recent years, with increased awareness of the scarcity of the “blue resource” on Earth, there has been much more emphasis on its reuse in plants and in civilian life.

The benefits of wastewater reuse include:

  • Water savings: reduction of water withdrawals from natural resources, contributing to EU goals for more efficient and circular wastewater management.
  • Reduced environmental impact: decreased pollutant discharges to waterways, in line with the EU Action Plan “Towards Zero Pollution for Air, Water and Soil.”
  • Economic efficiency: reduction of costs associated with wastewater treatment and disposal, promoting a more sustainable economy.

Our pile cloth filters are particularly suitable for reuse in different areas: urban water, industrial plants, agricultural sector. Due to their high filtration efficiency, they allow obtaining outlet water with suspended solids concentration below 10 mg/l, thus widely reusable in numerous processes.

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3. Adherence to Axius Water's Sustainability Overview

Our recent membership in Axius Water‘s Water Treatment Sustainability Overview represents another step forward in our journey toward sustainability.

Panoramica di Sostenibilità 2023 di Axius Water

Some numbers to demonstrate the monitoring of sustainability parameters by the Group and its companies (data 2023):

  • 99.2 million kilograms of nutrients removed from water by the solutions offered (as of 2023).
  • 100% renewable energy used for operations in North America.
  • 1.058 MWh of renewable energy credits (RECs) purchased.

What sets Axius Water and MITA Water Technologies apart in sustainable wastewater treatment?

  • Experience: decades of activity in the water treatment industry.
  • Innovation: technologically advanced and customized solutions.
  • Variety of proposed solutions: for different stages of water treatment, according to specific needs of each plant, always for safe disposal or reuse.
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Tools to help you choose


Industrial and civil wastewater treatment technologies

Simplicity, reliability ... and the lowest product life cycle cost: water treatment solutions from MITA Water Technologies.

Our support throughout the product life cycle

We offer a series of additional support services for our customers: the MITA Lifecycle Services.
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A sustainable and efficient solution for every industry and need

Wastewater treatment will increasingly be a resource efficiency and optimization opportunity for organizations in both civil and industrial settings.