Filtri a Sabbia Continui Filtrasand

Filtrasand Continuous Sand Filters

for tertiary water filtration

Efficiency and continuity of operation: continuous sand filters represent a classic solution that is easy to construct and operate for wastewater finishing. Thanks to a unique patented washing system, the MITA solution allows the filter medium, i.e., sand, to be separated from impurities.

High efficiency.

High efficiency. Ideal solution for removal of suspended solids, including colloidal solids, at the tertiary filtration level.

Continuity of operation.

Continuity of operation. Dirty backwash water exits the filter with continuous flow through a separate drain.

Simplified sand cleaning.

Simplified sand cleaning. Separation of impurities from the sand in MITA filters is achieved by the unique patented washing system.

Reduced investment and operating costs.

Reduced investment and operating costs. Easy to build technology, low maintenance.

Exclusive backwashing system.

Exclusive backwashing system. Use of raw water instead of already filtered water.

Ease of installation.

Ease of installation. Small footprint solution, no need for accessory works.

Continuous Sand Filters: description and operation

Continuous sand filters are devices used for the removal of impurities through a mechanical filtration process: therefore, speaking of civil wastewater plants, we are here in a tertiary treatment phase. On the other hand, as far as water management of industrial plants is concerned, this technology is usually installed upstream of other solutions, for adequate finishing to reintroduce the “blue resource” into rivers, lakes or seas.

The filter is equipped with a system that evenly distributes raw feed water to the base of the sandy bed by means of an annular distributor. The water flows through the sand bed from bottom to top and comes out filtered by a weir. At the same time, dirty sand is removed from the filter bed by an air pump, which picks it up from the bottom and lifts it to the top of the filter. Here it is fed into a washing chamber (washer) where the separation of impurities from the sand takes place. In the washer, the sand is cleaned by a flow of raw water against the gravitational motion of the sand itself. The washed sand falls back to the top of the filter bed. The dirty wash water leaves the filter with continuous flow through a separate drain.

Sand filters of this type allow continuous and efficient operation. In fact, dirty sand is continuously removed from the active filter bed by the action of an air pump, which picks it up from the bottom of the filter, lifting it to the washing chamber (washer) located at the top of the filter itself.

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    Application Field:

    Case studies with sand filters

    Biodiscs and Sand Filters for Coastal Depots of Esso

    MITA Water Technologies provided ESSO Italiana with wastewater treatment solutions at the coastal depots in Naples and Palermo. Through the use of continuous regeneration sand filters and Biorulli(r) biodiscs, significant results were achieved, such as reduced energy consumption and maintenance costs, plant modularity, and compliance with current regulations.

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    Water Treatment and Cooling Systems for Vedani Group

    Various industrial water treatment technologies as well as cooling technologies: since 1995 MITA Water Technologies has provided multiple solutions, together with its "sister" company MITA Cooling Technologies, for the complete water management of Vedani Group, which has been active in aluminum processing since 1982.

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    Surface water clarification

    Many manufacturing plants are located near surface water bodies in order to take advantage of the natural availability of water resources in the production cycle. Surface water, however, requires treatments to remove impurities before it can be used. Filtration on sand has always been the most popular system for the removal of suspended solids. Filtrasand was chosen for this type of application because it combines the effectiveness of sand filtration with its continuous operation.

    Pre-Filtrazione di Acque Superficiali
    Trattamento Acque Reflue per Potabilizzazione


    In the context of potabilization Filtrasand is included among the first stages of treatment. After sampling, settling, and clarification-flocculation, filtration on sand allows the finer solids particles that have not settled in the previous treatment stages to be retained. At the same time, Filtrasand makes it possible to optimize subsequent stages, especially ozonation. Due to its continuous operation, Filtrasand’s filter bed is always in the optimal regeneration condition. The modularity of the system, which allows for expansions of the system even at a later time after implementation, certainly influences its choice.

    Tertiary treatment of civil and industrial wastewater

    This is the field in which we count the largest number of Filtrasand installations. Laws regarding the purification and treatment of wastewater, both civil and industrial, are becoming stricter every day. As a result, limits on discharge to receiving bodies are tighter. For this reason, plants are increasingly being equipped with a tertiary treatment system, downstream of secondary sedimentation, which has the function of finishing. Filtrasand was chosen because of the undisputed effectiveness of sand compared to other filtration media. Added to this are modularity and ease of installation, features that become of paramount importance when going ‘to work on existing plants.

    Trattamento Terziario di Acque Reflue Civili e Industriali
    Trattamento Acque Reflue per Industrie Metallurgiche

    Metal treatment industries

    Filtrasand is used in the metalworking industry as one of the treatment steps for cooling water. Such water, properly cooled and stripped of the suspended solids in it, can be reused downstream of the process, with undisputed savings by user companies.

    Membrane ultra-filtration plants

    Membrane ultrafiltration plants require effluent as free as possible of suspended solids and/or fibrous material. In fact, membranes are an effective but extremely delicate media; if subjected to fouling they drastically reduce their effectiveness. Suspended solids and fibrous material have a tendency to settle on membranes, accelerating their fouling. To contain this phenomenon, it has proven appropriate to treat the water, upstream of the ultrafiltration stage, with sand filtration. Filtrasand prevents fouling of the membranes, prolonging their life and effectiveness. This allows for a longer plant life and thus significant savings in economic terms.

    Pre-Filtrazione e Processi a Membrane
    Trattamento Acque Reflue con Carboni Attivi

    Activated carbon treatment plants

    Activated carbon treatment plants allow the removal of chlorine, ozone, ionic surfactants, solvents, pesticides and organic micropollutants present in a water, while also eliminating any unpleasant odors and tastes. Filtrasand, installed upstream of the activated carbon stage, enables improved characteristics of the effluent entering the activated carbon treatment stage. Cleaner water at the inlet to the activated carbon stage allows the activated carbon to be regenerated with longer time intervals, resulting in savings on the cost of regeneration-replacement of the carbon itself.

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    Industrial and civil wastewater treatment technologies

    Simplicity, reliability ... and the lowest product life cycle cost: water treatment solutions from MITA Water Technologies.

    Our support throughout the product life cycle

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    A sustainable and efficient solution for every industry and need

    Wastewater treatment will increasingly be a resource efficiency and optimization opportunity for organizations in both civil and industrial settings.