Filtri a Tela Pile per l'Impianto di Barletta - Acquedotto Pugliese

Pile Cloth Filters for Acquedotto Pugliese

MITA Water Technologies supplied Acquedotto Pugliese with 6 MSF 12/60 PEC pile cloth media filters for the Barletta sewage treatment plant. The filters, housed in concrete tanks, ensured a TSS concentration of less than 10 mg/l. The solution met the customer’s needs, supported by an expected power consumption of about 11 kWhour/d. MITA Water Technologies provided comprehensive support, ensuring the success of the pro

  • Implementazione di 6 filtri a tela MSF 12/60 PEC, alloggiati in vasca di calcestruzzo, per l'impianto di depurazione di Barletta dell'Acquedotto Pugliese
  • Excellent results: concentration of SST less than 10 mg/l in filter discharge
  • Comprehensive support and advice during all phases of the project, ensuring successful implementation
Acquedotto Pugliese - managing public entity
Barletta, Province of Barletta-Andria-Trani (Italy)
Interlocutor type
Scope of application
Municipal Wastewater
Application field
Municipal Utilities
Story in a nutshell
Request for bid for the tender from the design stage. After the work was awarded, the contractor commissioned the supply of 6 MSF 12/60 PEC pile cloth filters with the fiberglass covers and electric opening.
List of customer requirements
Expected performance for SST concentration at filter discharge of < 10 mg/l
Input flow rate
- Average equalized flow rate: 863 m3/h

- Maximum flow rate: 2,158.00 m3/h
Input SST
Maximum TSS: 50.00 mg/l
Upstream treatment chain
Pre-treatments, primary and secondary treatments
Technologies supplied
No.6 MSF 12/60 PEC pile cloth filters for housing in concrete tank
Output TSS
TSS < 10 mg/l
Resource usage
Expected electricity consumption under average conditions: about 11 kWhour/d
Assistance at the end of assembly, testing and startup
Key to Success
Support and advice during all phases of design and implementation

1. Installation context

In 2021, MITA Water Technologies worked with Acquedotto Pugliese to implement a filtration system at the Barletta sewage treatment plant. The project was commissioned by a contractor after the contract was awarded.

2. Proposed solution

The solution proposed by MITA Water Technologies involved the supply of 6 pile cloth filters model MSF 12/60 PEC, complete with fiberglass covers with electric opening. These filters were designed to be housed in concrete tank after the pre-treatment systems, primary and secondary treatments of the treatment plant.

3. Results and key success factors

Thanks to the implementation of MITA Water Technologies’ pile cloth filters, the Barletta sewage treatment plant achieved results required by specifications. The concentration of total suspended solids (TSS) in the filter discharge was kept below 10 mg/l, meeting the performance expected by the customer. In addition, the plant can handle an average equalized flow rate of 863 m3/h, with a maximum flow rate of 2,158 m3/h.

Electricity consumption of about 11 kWhour/d under average conditions was confirmed. MITA Water Technologies offered comprehensive support during all phases of the project and implementation, including assistance at the end of installation, testing, and start-up of the plant. Expert advice contributed to the success of the project.

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