Filtri a Tela Pile per un Birrificio in Vietnam

Pile Cloth Filters for a Brewery in Vietnam

Efficiency and sustainability in process water reuse: this has always been the focus of a Vietnamese plant of a multinational beverage company, which now optimizes the process with MITA cloth filters: reduced performance and power consumption.

  • Multinational beverage company, factory in Vietnam with ultra-high sustainability production
  • Optimization of an already active wastewater treatment plant
  • Installation of MITA pile cloth filters, 5 mg/l average solids output
Beverage industry company in Vietnam
Interlocutor type
Scope of application
Industrial Wastewater
Application field
Beverages (beer production)
Story in a nutshell
The Vietnamese plant is the most water-efficient of all the end-user Asia Pacific breweries, a well-known multinational beverage company: to produce one liter of beer, the brewery uses only 2.32 liters of water (including the water that goes into the beer). Eight percent of the water is recovered and used to clean the brewery.
List of customer requirements
- Reuse of process water after treatment

- Removal of suspended solids: mixture of activated sludge flocs and precipitated aluminum phosphate/hydroxide, flocculated with polymer (fine floccules, remaining after sedimentation)

- Installation of a filtration unit to be installed in a concrete basin/channel (basement), for tertiary wastewater treatment (removal of suspended solids)

- Continuous and uninterrupted filtration with automatic backwash, outlet via central pipe to adjacent compartment with overflow.
Input flow rate
- Maximum flow rate: 330 m3/h

- Average flow rate: 258 m3/h
Input SST
- 40 mgSST/l maximum

- 20-30 mgSST/l average
Upstream treatment chain
- Complete biological treatment and an additional treatment for phosphate removal by coagulation-flocculation with alum (aluminum sulfate) and polymer, followed by solids removal in a clarifier.

- Downstream: reverse osmosis membranes.
Technologies supplied
No. 1 MSF 8/40 PEC cloth filter system with "classic 10" pile cloth: 8 horizontal discs, 40 m2 total filter area.
Output TSS
- 10 mgSST/l maximum

- 5 mgSST/l average
Output of other treatments
Phosphorus removal resulting from removal of suspended solids
Resource usage
Reduced power consumption, only during the backwash fae of cloths
- Remote mount and startup support

- Support for spare parts
Key to Success
Efficiency and environmental sustainability of the proposed solution

1. Installation context

Large industries in the food sector, with heavy use of process water for processing their products, have long understood the importance of treating and reusing the “blue gold”-an environmentally and economically sustainable decision to which tertiary filtration provides an answer.

In 2018, the management of a prestigious multinational brewing company decides to optimize the reuse of wastewater from one of its Vietnamese plants: a contractor is brought in for this.

The plant is known for its water efficiency: the process lines use only 2.32 liters of water to produce one liter of beer, including that contained in the beer itself. In addition, 8 percent of the water used was recovered and used for cleaning purposes in the plant. This is also due to the fact that a wastewater treatment plant is already in place and active. Its components: complete biological treatment, additional treatment for phosphate removal by coagulation-flocculation with alum (aluminum sulfate) and polymer, clarification for removal of suspended solids, and reverse osmosis using membranes.

However, the need to add a continuous, uninterrupted tertiary filtration unit for removal of suspended solids upstream of the membrane section is noted. The solids to be abated are a mixture of activated sludge flocs and precipitated aluminum phosphate/hydroxide flocculated with polymer. Average flow rate: 258 m3/h.

In addition, the new installation will have to ensure good performance so as not to send the membrane system, which is present downstream, into failure.

2. Proposed solution

The contractor involved by the brewing company turns to MITA Water Technologies for the supply of a fleece filtration system. Process water analysis is carried out through pilot units as per practice, and then an MSF 8/40 PEC system is selected: 8 discs for a total filtering surface area of 40 m2, “classic 10” fleece.

The filtration system provides continuous and uninterrupted filtration, with automatic backwashing to ensure optimal performance. Treated water is then discharged through a central pipe to the adjacent compartment with overflow. The overall dimensions only small, the use of electricity is limited to the backwashing phase of the suction cloths.

3. Results and key success factors

Cloth filters achieve the required performance. In addition, due to the removal of suspended solids, a reduction in phosphorus in wastewater is also noted, thus contributing to overall nutrient management.

Low performance and consumption. The goal of optimizing the reuse of process water is achieved, contributing to the water efficiency of the plant with a view to environmental and economic sustainability.

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